We all know that car accidents cause injuries, but most people don’t think about it until they are in a crash. In Colorado each year, there are about 27,000 car accidents with injuries, an injury of any severity can cause physical pain, and emotional anguish, and may take years or even a lifetime to recover.
The most common car accident injuries, that we see include whiplash, scrapes and cuts, concussions and traumatic brain injuries, broken ribs, broken hips, internal bleeding, herniated disc and spine injuries, knee trauma, PTSD, flashbacks, anxiety, and depression.
What happens to your body in an auto collision?
When your vehicle is slammed into something else, whether it is another car, tree, or barrier, a lot of things can happen to your body. Thankfully, cars orbit to absorb a good amount of the force from the collision in areas called crumple zones, but they are clearly not perfect. The energy of an accident still shakes the people inside, often severely injuring the occupants. Where the car comes in contact with other objects, where the brunt of the force will be delivered, and how the occupants of the car will be thrown about.
So, when a car crashes into something headfirst, people often slammed into the steering, wheel, or front panel and experience chest and lower limb injuries like broken ribs, and crushed legs. Though getting hit from the side will send off you away from the effect and normal wounds incorporate head, chest, and lower limit issues. Trailers and crashes jolt you forward and are notorious for neck and back injuries like whiplash. And finally, rollover accidents result in people being jostled about like they are being shaken in a snow globe. These crashes are typically accompanied by head and chest injuries. Go to urgent care clinics farmers branch to get immediate care.
Also Read: Common Injuries With Rear-End Car Accidents
What Are The Things That Can Contribute To A Car Crash?
Obviously, things like where you are sitting, how far the car was booming, and if you were wearing a seatbelt all play a big part in whether you survive or not.
And the severity of these injuries is heavily dependent on seat belt use. When you get into a car, one of the first things you should do is buckle your seatbelt, just like 90% of Americans. But for that 10% that think they are too cool for seat belts, they are twice as likely to die in a car crash.
And wearing your seatbelt incorrectly can also cause huge problems, if it is too high and rest around your stomach, the bed could rip apart your inner organs in an accident. It is also known that, during a traumatic event like a car crash, your brain can go into fight or flight mode and focus on how to survive, versus storing memories. This prompts individuals not to recall awful auto collisions and what occurred later.

How To Prevent A Car Accident?
People can also suffer from PTSD and flashbacks of a car crash for years after it occurred. But you have good news you can avoid being in a car accident by following these simple tips:
- Follow the speed limit
- Keep your eyes on the road
- Don’t use a mobile phone
- Don’t drive after consuming alcohol
- Don’t get into a deep argument with other passengers while driving
- Don’t speak on call while driving
- Follow the road, traffic, and speed limit rules
- Check your car engine before you leave
- Wear your seatbelt properly
What Are The Emotional Injuries After A Car Accident?
An Oxford study finds people who survived a traumatic brain injury are three times more likely to die before the age of 56. Researchers followed people who suffered a blow to the head that led to a skull fracture, internal bleeding, or unconsciousness for more than one hour many later commit suicide or die from a fatal injury during a car accident.
Psychological impacts include: A premature crash may result in head injuries, leading to trauma, consciousness, or loss of memory. But there are so many people who experienced emotional trauma or anxiety even without having head injuries. These psychological effects can lead to depression, anxiety, sleep deprivation, and fear. Getting medical attention allows you to fix, not only your body but also your emotional health. You can visit
walk in clinic farmers branch to get the best psychological treatments.
What Are The Physical Injuries After A Car Accident?
Dislocations, muscle tension, torn ligaments, bone fractures, and spinal cord injuries are the most common and typical biological injuries after a car accident.
And these damages demand instant medical attention and a proper healing process.
Sometimes you can’t feel the pain much due to the stress in your body but you may begin to feel the pain after a few hours or a few days.
It is very important to get medical assistance to heal and prevent a long period of damage.
Even a small automobile accident can put your mind and body under tremendous pressure, as your body experiences the speed and force, that it was not designed to manage, you may suffer both long-term and short-term results because of the effect of the crash. Appropriate or suitable care and treatment can help your body heal so that you can gain your physical and emotional health again.
If you met with a minor or major car accident, you need to get physical rehabilitation to avoid severe damages. So visit https://specialtycareclinics.com/ or call (469) 545-9983 to book an appointment.
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